i am

I’m the mostly self-taught, eclectic photo-enthusiast behind rik andes photography, based in Wamego, KS. This is where you’ll find my personal photography in its many varying states of glory. I like a lot of different things and am still discovering my own style, so stop by often to gauge my progress. There’s plenty of my family and friends, but plenty of other stuff as well.

Because someone may eventually ask, here’s what I shoot with:

  • Canon 40D (and grip)
  • Canon EF 50 mm, f/1.8 II (exploded all over the kitchen floor)
  • Canon EF 50 mm, f/1.4 (my newer, preferred lens)
  • Tamron AF 28-75mm, f/2.8 XR Di LD Aspherical (IF) Lens (my primary work lens)
  • Canon EF 17-40mm, f/4L

All images on this website are copyrighted, ©, all rights reserved, and may not be used without my express, written permission. However, if you would like to use an image on your non-commercial website or blog, feel free to copy and post it to your website or blog and provide a link back here. I love me a little link love!

I also write a family blog: all the standard catastrophes.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me: rik (at) rikandesphotography [dot] com.